Feeling Disconnected From Your Curls?
Posted by Mary MacDonald on
We’ve become so disconnected from our Curly Hair that we sometimes refer to our hair in the third person as ‘She’.
How did this happen ?

We’ve been so conditioned by the scroll to think the ‘right’ way for curls to look is that glossy, almost wet look, every curl in place, thick mane is the norm.
And whatever you do, don’t ever TOUCH your hair.
Talk about disconnect.
Personally, I’d rather be the Villain.
Your curls are you.
You’re entitled to live your life and not have to apologize about your curls being whatever.
Ditch the glue.
Touch your curls,let ‘em blow in the wind, go swimming because life’s too short !
Frizz is just curl that has separated.
It shows that you gotta Life !
My client here is a longtime user of my IM Curly products, specifically my Hydrating Creamy Styler but today, just for fun, we finished with my New IM Curly UnGel .
Go ahead and BE the Villain…touch your curls!