Makeovers — Before+After
Water is Your Best Friend !๐
Posted by Gossips Hairstylists Inc. on

Water is your Best Friend ! All Natural Beauty. ....throw away your flatirons and discover just how Fabulous you really Are ! Most curly clients fear water, but it is one of the main ingredients in getting those perfect curls ! Squish water into your hair as much as possible after cleansing and watch those curls get nice and hydrated ! ย
- Tags: Before+After, Makeover
How to Grow and NO Big Chop !
Posted by Gossips Hairstylists Inc. on

How to Grow and NO Big Chop ! Yes you can ! Growing your Mane just takes patience, Mane-tenance and great products ! My new client did not have a bad haircut to start; she had been wearing her hair straight and it was cut for the uniformity of thatย straight texture. However, most of us have quite a bit of variation in our hair when worn Natural.ย My gorgeous client was curlier where the hair appears shorter, and less curly where it appears longer. And now to the Secret of Growing her hair out Long ! Frequent trimsย to have her...
- Tags: Before+After, Makeover